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Harry Houdini  ORIGINAL HIstorical Vintage Antique Photo escape2

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Harry Houdini Magic Original old photos Historical Photography pictures poster Memorabilia Collectibles for sale
Harry Houdini 
ORIGINAL HIstorical Antique Vintage 1926 LIVE Escape TYPE I Photo 
"Escape in Airtight Coffin", 1926

The Descension



Behold! One of the most astonishing and significant Harry Houdini photos known to man!

Houdini's Last Underwater Escape!

Unlocking the soul of historical photography, it's the provenance on the back that defines its sought-after nature and appreciative value of these iconic gems..
As a long time customer told me during a conversation,  "its the back of the photo where all the dirty secrets and gold nuggets are hidden!". I’m not sure if they are always "dirty" secrets but I love how he said it!
"Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to witness the mesmerizing artistry and death-defying acts of the one and only Harry Houdini, as he takes the stage for a breathtaking live performance."

When we gaze upon a historical photograph, we are transported to the actual scene, standing as silent witnesses to history unfolding before our eyes.

Over a month ago I introduced to you one of the most extraordinary Harry Houdini Live performance Original Type I photos that have ever surfaced on the market.  And at the time I couldn’t imagine another historical photograph discovery that could compare let alone beat that astonishing Houdini find!   Well, this past week we stumbled upon a amazing find that if not better, at least equally breath-taking!     The "Sister Photo" of Harry Houdini's Historic 1926 "Underwater Coffin Escape"

A stunning Close-up of Houdini emerging from a miraculous underwater escape, after being buried underwater for 90 minutes.  So amazing when  you hold this photo it feels like he's close enough to reach out and touch!

A surreal portal into the realm of extraordinary and awe-inspiring mastery.

Condition: Very Good.   Has minor tape repair on back upper roight corner.  The photo has something going on with his face, and it appears that there is a spot of damage which has been repaired a hundred years ago at a newspaper archive where a spot flaked off and it was re-glued but not done well. The piece could be professionally soaked off and re-applied and I bet the image would look beautiful!

This image echoes the allure of Houdini's era like you were up front witnessing and communicating with the Master!  A tangible piece of Houdini's legendary legacy.

*Impeccable, amazing provenance on back.  Issued by Wide World Photos and stamped on the back with a paper caption as well and dated 8/5/26

* See enlargeable images above and below

One of the most historically significant and astonishing Harry Houdini TYPE I photos to ever surface on the market.    Very few photos of a live Houdini performance that shows such a life like size of Houdini surrounded by witnesses are in existence today. 

The last photo of Houdini that I’m aware of from a Live large performance sold for almost $10,000!  And you couldn’t even make out Houdini that was supposedly hanging upside down above the crowd.  Here Houdini is unmistakable in a superb close-up image sitting in the coffin ready to close it, before being lowered into the pool on August 5, 1926. 
NOTE:  The other photo we have from the very same Houdini event shows him after he surfaced, successfully completing this miraculous feat.

When was the last time you saw something that hit triggered the reaction,  “I  can’t live without that?    That’s how I felt about this extraordinary Harry Houdini find recently encountered.  

Unquestionably one of the most important and astonishing Original Vintage Type I Houdini photos ever to surface.  This Gem belongs in a  Museum!  Or at least the most coveted Collection!

1926 Harry Houdini, "His Latest Escape in Airtight Coffin" Incredible Photo

1926 Large photograph of magician Harry Houdini as he stepped into an airtight coffin for his latest escape trick. An incredible rarity, this captures Houdini up close and shirtless, ready to risk his life for the crowd. Issued by Underwood and Underwood and stamped on the back with a paper caption as well, this is one of only two images from this event we have ever seen in our 40 years collecting Houdini.  And we have the other one,  the stunning photo taken of him when he returned to the surface after his miraculous success!   

* So now you are discovered the ONLY place on earth (  where you could Own BOTH TYPE I  photos from this Historic Harry Houdini event in 1926.   Or will the Houdini Museum grab them first?   * See the other Houdini photos (including the Sister Photo of this one) below under Other Rare Vintage Treasures You Might Like

The photo has something going on with his face, and it appears that there is a spot of damage which has been repaired a hundred years ago at a newspaper archive where a spot flaked off and it was re-glued but not done well. The piece could be soaked off and re-applied and I bet the image looks beautiful!

Size: 8x10
Designation: Vintage 1

* See enlargeable images above and below

NOTE:    To truly grasp the marvel of Harry Houdini's artistry, one must experience his brilliance firsthand. Set aside a moment to witness the breathtaking videos below. Behold these two remarkable clips of Houdini's live escapes, capturing history in motion..    At least one of these looks like the very escape captured in this Museum Grade Type I photo.    

Houdini Escape video 1- See Here

Houdini Escape video 2- See Here

*We have been fortunate to have acquired an exciting Collection of Amazing Historical Houdini Photos.  See them below under “Other Rare Vintage Treasures You Might Like”. 

Note: Cvtreasures stamp Not on original