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Abraham Lincoln LAST Photo Historic 1865

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Abraham Lincoln
Original 1965 Photo by Henry Warren
"Lincoln's Latest Photo"


Breathtaking amazing historic ORIGINAL 150 Year Old photo of Abraham Lincoln taken by Lincoln photographer Henry Warren after the 1865 Inauguration. . AT the time this photo was taken it was titled "Lincoln's Latest Photograph".  However, it would turn out to be Abraham Lincoln's LAST PhotographSee the history on this LAST photo below..  Has stain but still in extraordinary condition for 150 years old photo.    A very historically significant photo that cannot be over stated.   See the history behind this incredible photo below.    *See enlargeable images above and below,

Tad Lincoln tricked his father into appearing on the balcony of the White House where Warren waited "in ambush" and was able to take two images (this one, O-112, and a variant, O-113). The photographer first published O-112 titled: "The Latest Photograph of President Lincoln, Taken on the Balcony at the White House, March 6, 1865". After Lincoln's assassination, it was re-issued with the title: "The Last Photograph of President Lincoln.   THIS one we offer is the Original Issue!   ( this photo sold at auction in January 2015 for $4750 along with the re-issue.  One of the only ones to ever appear on the market).

The Official LAST Photo of Abe Lincoln:
For many years after Abraham Lincoln's assassination a series of photographs taken by Alexander Gardner were considered the last ones. These photographs were allegedly taken on Monday, April 10, 1865. 

However, this information is incorrect. (The Library of Congress photograph to the right is the "traditional" last Lincoln pose for Gardner. For James Nance's beautiful color print of Gardner's photograph please.  According to Lincoln's secretaries, John Hay and John Nicolay, the actual last photographs were taken on the White House's south portico just two days after the second inauguration by photographer Henry F. Warren of Waltham, Massachusetts. This information is stated in their Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln which was published in 1894.

[LINCOLN, Abraham]. WARREN, Henry F., photographer - Waltham, Massachusetts... Portrait photograph of Lincoln, taken on the south balcony of the White House, Washington, D.C., late afternoon, 6 March 1865. this is the large format: 6 x 8” on a 10 x 13 vignetted albumen photograph, on Warren's original card mount, imprint of "H.F. Warren Waltham Mass.," with caption: "The Latest Photograph of President Lincoln. Taken on the Balcony of the White House, March 6, 1865." "THE LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN": TAKEN TWO DAYS AFTER THE SECOND INAUGURAL

The is a rare photograph, of an important photographic portrait of the 16th President, an image that owes its existence to an unscrupulous strategem employed by the photographer. Warren, a Massachusetts photographer in Washington for the inauguration, very much hoped to get the opportunity to photograph the President. "He was not acquainted with the President and had no connections in Washington. But he had a plan. Warren found out that Tad [the Lincoln's young son] went riding on his pony every afternoon...He ambushed and 'shot' young Lincoln astride his pony and on the following afternoon delivered the prints to Tad. The boy was delighted by them. 'Now,' said Warren, 'bring out your father and I will make a picture of him for you.' Tad dashed off, and in a few minutes appeared on the south balcony of the White House with the President." Lincoln, "posing just to please his son...appears preoccupied..." (Hamilton & Ostendorf, Lincoln in Photographs, pp.213-214). Indeed, in the wake of the inaugural ceremony, the inaugural ball (where he shook the hand of some 6,000 well-wishers) and other events, Lincoln might simply have been dead tired. The strong March wind on the balcony has noticeably ruffled Lincoln's thick shock of hair. Although the photograph does have a water stain but it doesn't detract from the beauty and significance of this incredibly 150 Year Old historic photo. 
Note:  Cvtreasures stamp NOT on original photo