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Al Capone - Most Historic Photo ever taken ! WOW!

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FAMOUS 1932 Original Photo AL CAPONE Heads to Prison !

Public Enemy #1

THE Famous shot taken at Dearborn Station in downtown Chicago by the Chicago Tribune of Al Capone is found on this RARE Vintage 1932 ORIGINAL News Service Photograph. This renowned shot of the most infamous of gangsters has been seen in countless books, manuscripts, publications, films and documentaries over the years. It depicts what appears to be a confident Capone, the Don of the Chicago Outfit looking as if he is still ‘the man’, on top of the world, as he smiles for the camera surrounded by intimidating men in hats and trench coats.

In reality, these were not Capone’s men but rather an army of U.S. Marshals who are escorting the convicted gangster through the train station as they prepared to board a train that will take the convoy to the U.S. Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta. Capone who appears free to roam is actually handcuffed, his hands are in his pocket to purposely conceal the irons that link him to a petty thief, one Vito Morici who was also heading to the big house as well. As they walked through the crowd, Capone who was always conscious about his public ‘image’, indicating to Morici’s topcoat, said to him, "Throw it over your arms so nobody see the handcuffs".

This unique, vintage 1932 silver-gelatin photograph taken by a staff photographer at the Chicago Tribune is one of the few surviving rare, period originals and is unique as it was the actual one kept on file at the Tribune and used in their papers at the time the event happened. The original newspaper clipping from when the photo appeared the following day, along with a MAY 4 1932 date stamp is on the verso of this specimen measuring 7-1/4" x 10". In addition, it was also used in publication on at least two other occasions some six decades later with two other newspaper clippings affixed on the verso. The photograph has some wear around the perimeter but the central image is relatively unaffected and been preserved nicely. One of the finest Capone photographs extant.

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