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Marilyn Monroe Original Vintage Publication Photo for LOOK 1951

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Marilyn Monroe
Original Vintage Publication Photo for Look Magazine

 She may be the most adored movie star that ever lived.  Not only in America but all over the world. Marilyn Monroe epitomizes the rewards and risks of becoming a larger than life personality. The general public worshipped her, but some of the more seedy side of society took a cruel advantage of her. Her rise to stardom was legendary, but the sordid relationships and associations which may have lead to her highly suspicious death were tragic. She came to Hollywood innocent and vulnerable.  She struggled with many of the demons many of us struggle with. Maybe that is what made her so endearing to the universe. .  In the end all she wanted for was someone to Really love her. Today the Marilyn “magic” is as strong as ever. I know 18 year old women who have tattoos of Marilyn.  And they seem to “get her” maybe even better then my own generation. 

 But what is unquestionable is the desire to own a piece of Marilyn history is astronomical. Last Fall the dress she wore from “Seven Year Itch” sold for over 6 Million Dollars. I have personally witnessed some of her Autographed Photos sell for Over $50,000!  Marilyn Monroe is in a league of her own when it comes to movie star legacies. 

Offered here is one of the most amazing Marilyn Monroe photos. Not just a copy of a historical photo, but the Original Photo actual used for publication in ”LOOK” Magazine from 1951.  This photo taken in her apartment in 1951 appears to be Marilyn reading a script.  A young Marilyn with that youthful glistening flawless skin.   In her robe so subtly pulling the top to reveal the slightest hint of what made her the sexiest woman that ever lived.   A rare and unique image of Marilyn in a "natural state", not just posing for the camera as in 90% of her photos.   And a photo that has never been reproduced and ONLY for publication for Look magazine.    LOOK magazine credits on back of photo.

Incredible, historical Marilyn original TYPE I photo.  And most likely the ONLY one of it's kind that exists...  Just take a look at the enlargeable images above and below, what else needs to be said ?   Photo is 8x10"

NOTE:  In case you have not been following recent sales for original Marilyn Monroe photos, they have been skyrocketing in value.  The demand for original period photos has been intense to say the least.   This week (December 2015) two Marilyn (Unsigned) photos sold on eBay for $3800 and $3500 and in September another Marilyn photo sold, on eBay again, for $4900.   Imagine what they would have sold for in front of a more wealthy audience at Christies ?  I suspect the extraordinary original press release Marilyn photos we have listed here on our site, are way under priced !

Note: Cvtreasures stamp NOT on original photo

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